GRYYYM, ebook (in english)
Gryyym's PDF english version. 212 pages.
100% in the spirit of the old Creepy, Eerie or Heavy metal magazines;
the GRYYYM mook features a collection of short horror and dark fantasy stories.
GRYYYM proposes comic strips and short illustrated stories created by internationally renowned artists: Michael Moorcock, Pat Mills, David Lloyd, Fay Dalton, Adrian Smith, Tommy Lee Edwards, Gabriel Delmas, Sabrina Calvo, Richard Marazano... and much more from all around the world.
Table of contents:
THAT NIGHT ................................................... page 12
art by Attila Futaki
story by Gabriel Delmas
SOPHIE’S NIGHT ............................................ page 32
by Guillaume Bouges
THE GRENADE GARDEN ................................ page 50
by Michael Moorcock,
illustrated by Joseph Lacroix
FRAGMENTS FROM BEYOND ......................... page 56
art by Patrick Pion,
story by Romain Rogier
CRUST ............................................................ page 61
by Adrian Smith
ALL ALONE .................................................. page 70
by Thibault Vermot,
illustrated by Justine Gasquet
FURIA ............................................................. page 72
by Gabriel Delmas
THE CRAZY SIGNS ......................................... page 80
by Sabrina Calvo,
illustrated by Peggy Ann Mourot
IM GARTEN .................................................... page 93
by Elena Guidolin
MASCULIBUR ................................................ page 105
by Jurictus
PATTERN ....................................................... page 111
art by Georges Clarenko,
story by Akileus
JAGUAR ......................................................... page 115
art by Tommy Lee Edwards,
story by Richard Marazano
THE FALL OF ORTLONG ............................ page 119
by Joseph Lacroix,
illustrated by Simon Léturgie
SOLAR STAIN ............................................... page 122
by Chris Lenté
A GRYYYM TALE .......................................... page 126
by Chrysostome Gourio,
illustrated by Bruno Letizia
EMERGENCY IN DEATH ................................ page 135
by Jean-Paul Krassinsky
THE GRENOUILLARD................................... page 139
by Joseph Lacroix
REAPER BUDDY ........................................... page 148
art by Fay Dalton,
story by Pat Mills
THE ASCENT ................................................. page 154
written and illustrated by Richard Marazano
INTERNET ...................................................... page 163
by David Lloyd
PATER AUSTER ............................................ page 168
art by Guillaume Chuffart,
story by Vincent Pelletier
SLICE OF LIFE ............................................... page 174
by Richard Gez,
illustrated by Joseph Lacroix
DESTROYER MAN....................................... page 176
by Grégory Maklès
A BEATING OF WINGS .............................. page 185
art by Paolo Massagli,
story by Chrysostome Gourio
TOKEN ........................................................... page 195
by Patrick Pion
Additional illustrations:
Alkbazz (pages 3, 5 et 201)
Jérôme Barbosa (pages 8, 9, 10 & 11)
Julien Brunet (cover pages and pages 49, 202, 203, 212)
Framax (page 211)
Julien Gardon (page 9)
Chris Lenté (page 7)
Sébastien Loraine (page 208)
Grégory Maklès (page 10)
Nicolas Nemiri (page 6)
Christophe Poot (page 211)